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Jean Piaget af Mind Map: Jean Piaget

1. Constructivist approach

1.1. Es una manera determinada de entender y explicar las formas en las que aprendemos y ponen énfasis en la figura del aprendiz como el agente que en última instancia es el motor de su propio aprendizaje.

2. Stages of cognitive development

2.1. Sensorimotor (0 to 2 years)

2.1.1. Begin to represent the world with pictures and words.

2.2. Pre-operational (2 to 7 years)

2.2.1. Build an understandable world, coordinating your sensory experiences with physical actions.

2.3. Specific operations (7 to 12 years)

2.3.1. Reason logically and systematically

2.4. Formal operations (from 12 years old to adulthood)

2.4.1. Has the ability to use logic to reach abstract conclusions.

3. Cognitive development

3.1. It is the process by which the human being acquires knowledge through learning and experience.

4. Scheme

4.1. Refer to the existing type of cognitive organization between categories at a certain time. It's kind of like the way that some ideas are ordered and put into relationship with others.

4.2. A schema can be generated in many different degrees of abstraction.

4.2.1. Early stage of childhood Permanent object: which allows the child to refer to objects that are not within his perceptual reach at the time.

4.2.2. Second stage of childhood Types of objects: by means of which it is capable of grouping the different objects based on different "classes", as well as understanding the relationship that these classes have with others.

5. Adaptation

5.1. Three processes operate

5.1.1. Assimilation

5.1.2. Balancing

5.1.3. Accommodation

6. Balancing

6.1. It is established between the person's own schemes.

6.2. It is established based on the schematics of the subject and the stimuli of the environment.

6.3. It becomes a hierarchical integration of different schemes.

7. Didactic strategies for teaching English

7.1. Motivate the child to learn the language and put them to participate in the games and songs.

7.2. It is very important that the child listens throughout the class to his teacher speaking in English, so that he can learn new words and understand easily.

7.3. Play animated films for the children so that the child relates the images with words according to the sound and accent of the English language.

7.4. Showing him flashcards in English is a game for the development of the brain and a greater learning of the child; These cards contain cartoons of the subject being taught.

7.5. The teacher can use classic stories, with the subject that is being taught at that moment, such as: colors, or stories that contain a moral that impacts children, and that may feel attracted to learn English.