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Sprint af Mind Map: Sprint

1. Speed

1.1. Freeway

1.2. Sports Cars

1.2.1. Salt Flat Cars

1.3. Jet Engine

1.4. Sports

1.4.1. Sprinting

1.4.2. Speed Skating

1.4.3. Skiing

1.5. Lightning

1.6. Regular people turning into superheros

2. Unlimited

2.1. Rube Goldberg Machine

2.2. Repeating patterns

2.2.1. Fractal Made out of people?

2.2.2. Big flock of birds or fish

2.2.3. Repeating posters

2.3. Space

2.4. Horizon

2.4.1. Vanishing Point

2.4.2. City panorama

2.4.3. Couds Sky writing

2.5. Light from sky

2.6. Mountain

2.7. Water

2.7.1. Tsunami

2.7.2. Dam breaking

2.7.3. Surfing

2.7.4. Tsunami of data

3. Data

3.1. Coral Reef

3.2. Bubbles

4. Young People

4.1. Community

4.2. Team

4.3. Nightlife

4.4. Driving / Road trip