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Gil Strategy af Mind Map: Gil Strategy

1. External Appraisal

1.1. Oppurtunities

1.1.1. The increase of revenue

1.1.2. The growth of international reputation

1.1.3. New experience

1.2. Threats

1.2.1. Social and Geographical Politics

2. Objectives

2.1. The slide before

3. Implementation

4. Strategy

4.1. Resources

4.2. How to use resources

4.3. Target markets

4.4. Customer needs

4.4.1. USA personal coaching networking

4.4.2. UAE corporate coaching Linkedin

4.4.3. UK personal

4.5. Products to satisfy the needs

4.6. Marketing resources

4.6.1. Tools

5. Internal Appraisal

5.1. Strengths

5.1.1. Gil has a lot of good contacts all over the world

5.1.2. He has a lot of international experience in business

5.2. Weaknesses

6. Control