Desktop Operating Systems

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Desktop Operating Systems af Mind Map: Desktop Operating Systems

1. Windows

1.1. Cons

1.1.1. Prone to viruses, spyware, and adware if proper steps not taken such as installation of internet security software, which reduces performance speed.

1.1.2. Requires regular maintenance to avoid system errors and reduced performance.

1.2. Pros

1.2.1. The largest library of programs and applications.

1.2.2. Almost all hardware has drivers which are compatible with Windows. Most widely used.

2. Ubuntu

2.1. Cons

2.1.1. Advanced use and installation of some software may require more advanced knowledge than is required for use of Windows and Mac.

2.1.2. Advanced use and installation of some software may require more advanced knowledge than is required for use of Windows and Mac.

2.2. Pros

2.2.1. An enormous free software libra

2.2.2. Ubuntu is an open source OS. you can access and alter the source-code of an application, allowing you to add your own function or improve the performance of the software.

3. Mac OS X

3.1. Pros

3.1.1. Security is seen as being a big factor with OSX and Apple pushes the coundaries further with Mountain Lion by introducing sandboxing for desktop applications.

3.1.2. With OSX resembling iOS more with each release, it is expected sometime soon that the operating systems will merge to offer one unified system across Apple’s Mac range of mobile device range – this should prove to be a popular move, requiring users to learn how to use one interface and system only

3.2. Cons

3.2.1. Limited to Apple-manufactured hardware.

3.2.2. Some hardware does not have Mac-compatible drivers, though the number of this hardware has recently become small and negligible.