Ancient Greek Philosophy

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Ancient Greek Philosophy af Mind Map: Ancient Greek Philosophy

1. Sophists

2. Socrates

2.1. Morals and Ethics

2.2. Philosophy

3. Plato

3.1. Dialogues

3.2. Influence

3.3. Theory of Forms

4. Aristotle

4.1. Works

4.2. Method

4.3. Logic

5. Early Philosophy/ Pre-Socratic

5.1. The Milesian or Ionian School

5.2. The Pythagoreans

5.3. Xenophanes of Colophon

5.4. Heraclitus of Ephesus

5.5. Parmenides of Elea

5.6. Zeno of Elea

5.7. Empedocles of Acragas

5.8. Atomists

6. Hellenistic Philosophy

6.1. Epicureanism

6.2. Stoicism

6.3. Skepticism

6.4. The Cynics

7. Bibliography