As long as people in the public eye do their job well, does it matter what they do in private?

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As long as people in the public eye do their job well, does it matter what they do in private? af Mind Map: As long as people in the public eye do their job well, does it matter what they do in private?

1. Definition

1.1. People referring to those that do things to benefit the nation/community in different ways

2. No

2.1. Government

2.1.1. The public should not bother about what they do in private because they are entitled to their own privacy. They are humans after all.

2.1.2. Evidence: Yaw Shin Leong was sacked on 14 Feb due to an accusation of a sex scandal. Despite his great significant contributions to the community at Hougang single member constituency (SMC), he was sacked just because of one mistake he made and it was mainly due to the public interest

2.1.3. Perhaps it could be a misunderstanding which we do not know and he has his limitations to reveal it as it could adverse controversies

2.2. Socially

2.2.1. They would be conveying the message to the people that "it is right to do this" which is not right to the community as it would affect the entire nation in the end.

3. Yes

3.1. Children

3.1.1. Would affect children negatively because they are still small and with their parents going to work everyday, they are unable to teach their children and this would lead to them learning the wrong things from the programmes that they watch.

3.1.2. Eg: Miley Cyrus was found taking drugs and this can influence children as they might follow the actions of her. Some fans of her would have the mindset that taking drugs would make their voice sound nicer.

3.1.3. Michael Phelps was found inhaling Marijuana after winning 8 gold medals at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. This is definitely not right as it can influence teenagers to take drugs which is not right. He should be a role model towards the people and not show a 2 sided character in front of them.

3.2. National Level

3.2.1. They will portray a very bad image for the country.

3.2.2. One mistake in private would lead to controversies between the people in the country

3.2.3. Mubarak siphoning off Egypt's money leading to a traumatic decline in the economy.

3.3. Economically

3.3.1. Some people may siphon off the government money in private, leading to a decline in the economy in the country. New node

3.3.2. New node

3.4. Globally

3.4.1. Trust between countries would be affected. They may not close deals with the country who has a person that is doing something bad in private.