Solar System by David Q

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Solar System by David Q af Mind Map: Solar System by David Q

1. Venus

1.1. It is very hot.

1.2. It used to be almost the same as Earth.

1.3. There's a Volcano almost as tall as Mount Everest.

1.4. Venus got it's name after a roman god.

1.5. It rains acid.

1.6. When it rains, it's almost the same as a type 5 hurricane.

1.7. It's very dry.

1.8. What caused Venus to be so hot?

1.8.1. It has a thick atmosphere.

2. Mars

2.1. It's made out of gases and clouds

2.2. It has a metal core and crust.

2.3. Could there be life on Mars?

2.4. Why is Mars cold?

2.5. Why can't it hold much heat?

3. Uranus

3.1. Why does the sun only hit one spot for 21 years?

3.2. has 3 comets and 2 asteroids that have names

3.3. it's a slushy place, people call it an ice giant.

3.4. Why does one spot only get sun?

3.5. Why is Uranus an ice giant?

3.6. how did it get ice?

4. Pluto

4.1. It is 1/2 the size of the United States

4.2. It took 4.5 hours to send information from Pluto to Earth.

4.3. Why is it so cold?

4.4. Why is pluto so small that if it crashed on earth it would only take half of the united states?

5. Jupiter

5.1. A year is 12 days

5.2. Jupiter is really big, it could contain 1,000 earths.

5.3. Why is jupiter so big?

5.4. Why is jupiter named after a god?

6. How many planets are actually in the universe?

7. Big Freeze

7.1. What is the Big Freeze?

8. The Moon

8.1. in 1969, astronauts went to the moon.

8.2. The moon and Earth's gravity is different.

8.3. The Earth's gravity and the Moon's gravity effects the tides.

8.4. Why do you think we need a moon?

8.5. What would happen if the moon disappeared?

9. Meteors

9.1. Meteors aren't as big as you'd think they would be.

9.2. Meteors catch heat but meteorites.

10. Apollo 13 Mission

10.1. How did they survive?

10.2. Why did they only send 3 astronauts?

11. Sun

11.1. Why is the sun a star?

11.2. Why is it so hot?

11.3. It's very hot

11.4. The sun makes the earth livable.

11.5. Why is the sun made of chemicals?

11.6. Why does the sun look like a big ball of fire?

11.7. Why is the sun not cold and just heat?

12. Mercury

12.1. it's the smallest planet

12.2. it's really hot in the morning, at night it's really cold

12.3. It was named after a speed God

12.4. It doesn't have atmosphere

12.5. inside the core is hot

12.6. It started shrinking

13. Saturn

13.1. It has over 50 moons.

13.2. Saturn is really big and has a really big distance which is about 74,900 miles.

13.3. It rains diamonds.

13.4. There's a really big storm on Saturn.

13.5. Why does saturn have rings around it?

13.6. Why does is rain diamonds?

13.7. Why is Saturn so big?

14. Neptune

14.1. Its an icy giant

14.2. It has a rocky core

14.3. The color of Neptune is a deep, dark blue.

14.4. The winds on Neptune are really strong and can break the sound barrier.

15. Earth

15.1. Earth is the only planet with water and life.

15.2. Earth has 3 layers: the core, mantle, and crust.

15.3. Earth is 4.6 billion years old.

15.4. Why is Earth the only planet with life and water?

15.5. Why is earth the only planet with life and water

15.6. What might happen if all humans go extinct?

15.7. How did animal get on earth?

16. Big Crunch

16.1. What is the Big Crunch?

17. Big Bang

17.1. It broke a bubble that created existence and made the universe expand.

17.2. When the Big Bang happened Protons and neutrons came out.

18. Ceres

18.1. Ceres has volcanoes that spit out ice

18.2. it's a mini-planet

18.3. There's water on the planet

18.4. Why do volcanoes spit out ice instead of lava?

18.5. Is there life on Ceres?

18.6. what made Ceres so cold?

19. Hubble Space Telescope

19.1. It takes pictures of stars, galaxies, and planets.

19.2. It is exploded in 1986, in 1990 they launched it in space.

19.3. Why don't they send anyone to space?

19.4. Why does it take a while to make a space telescope?

19.5. How does it take pictures and send it back?