Reflective teaching English and its impact on foreign language teaching

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Reflective teaching English and its impact on foreign language teaching af Mind Map: Reflective teaching English and its impact on foreign language teaching

1. Reflexive thinking: Based on John's Dewey theories.

2. Teachers act as "Reflective Practitioner" using reflection on action, Leitch and Day (2000).

3. Teachers have to show the understanding of hows and whys of their theory and practice.

4. Linking theory and practice through reflective inquiry brings flexibility in instructional settings by helping practitioners examine successes and failures to promote knowledge through personal experience.

5. Reflexive teaching in foreign language contexts

6. Teaching as a "mirroring experience" as the output for development, Pennigton (1992)

7. Teacher's development as a personal development as well, Underhill (1991).

8. Class observation data and information about teaching English as a foreign language, Waghigb (1991).

9. Reflexive teaching as professional development

10. Critical reflection, pre-service or in service, main qualities of "the good teaching", Dewey (1993).

11. Reflection and inquiry as key components of teaching development, Schon (1987)

12. Receive and experimental knowledge, teachers experience create knowledge,Wallace (1991).

13. Suggested procedures for reflexive teaching in Efl contexts

14. Reflective teaching involves collaborative action research, Cruckshank and Appleage (1981).

15. Action research, teachers and learners approach the same way.

16. Students diaries use to collect rich and thick data from learners.

17. Questionaries determinating which strategies use our learners, Richards and Lockhart (1999).

18. Journals identify important variables to teachers and students, Wallace (1998).

19. Observing one's teaching through recordings and seating charts determinate seating arrangements for task in classroom settings.