Lesson objective: by the end of the lesson, all students will be able to access the meanings of m...

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Lesson objective: by the end of the lesson, all students will be able to access the meanings of more complex phrases and expressions in German on the Internet. af Mind Map: Lesson objective: by the end of the lesson, all students will be able to access the meanings of more complex phrases and expressions in German on the Internet.

1. 1. Students will have their list of complex phrases and sentences they do not know how to say in German.

2. 6. I will visit the forum to verify their results.

3. 2. Students will go to http://dict.leo.org

4. 3. Students will log on to the site's forum and post their unknown phrases/sentences.

5. 4. Later, students will return to the forum to see if their phrases have been translated for them.

6. 5. Students will e-mail the results to me.