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Pop-Up Kitchen af Mind Map: Pop-Up Kitchen

1. Community feeling

1.1. Getting together

1.2. Cooking for eachother

1.3. Feeding others

2. Culinary excelence

2.1. Clean

2.1.1. INOX

2.2. Fast

2.2.1. Super Induktion

2.3. Professional

2.3.1. INOX

2.4. High-Quality

2.4.1. All of the above allows for sophisticated meals

3. Fun

3.1. Colors

3.2. Community

3.2.1. Feeds a ton of people

3.2.2. Shows cultural variety of University different cuisines

3.3. Mistakes

4. Healthy

4.1. Your hygiene

4.2. Your products

4.3. Your methods

5. Mobility

6. Accessibility

6.1. You can take it easily

6.2. You can put it anywhere!

7. Ease-Of-Use

7.1. It's easy to make something good

7.2. It's easy to use

7.2.1. Easy to clean

7.2.2. Easy to prepare