Chemistry And Its Changes

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Chemistry And Its Changes af Mind Map: Chemistry And Its Changes

1. Changes

1.1. Physical

1.1.1. Example: Breaking glass

1.2. Chemical

1.2.1. reaction occurs, makes something new, energy change

2. Elements

2.1. Isotopes

2.1.1. - Still same element - But different amount of neutrons

2.2. Diatomic

2.2.1. Grouped in pairs

2.2.2. 7 and 1 - Have No Fear Of Ice Cold Beverages - Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Fluorine, Oxygen, Iodine, Chlorine, and Bromine

3. Periodic Table

3.1. Atomic number

3.1.1. # of protons

3.2. Relative Average Atomic Mass

3.2.1. # of neutrons and protons

3.2.2. Relative to Carbon 12

3.2.3. Average of isotops

3.3. Bonding

3.3.1. Co-valent 2 non-metals sharing electrons

3.3.2. Ionic -1 metal and 1 non-metal gaining/losing electrons to become stable - metal gives/loses, non metal gains

3.4. Period = Horizontal

3.5. Group/Family = Vertical

4. Matter

4.1. Mass

4.1.1. All matter has mass, measurement of inertia

4.2. Volume

4.3. 3 states

4.3.1. Solid -melts to a liquid, sublimates to a gas - definite shape and volume - vibration

4.3.2. Liquid -fuses to a solid, and vaporization - indefinite shape, and definite volume - rotation and vibration

4.3.3. Gas - condenses to a liquid, sublimates to a solid - undefinite shape, and undefinite volume - translation, rotation, and vibration

5. Matter

5.1. Mass and Volume, everything apart from energy in the universe