Ancient Civilizations

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Ancient Civilizations af Mind Map: Ancient Civilizations

1. Shang

1.1. From these written records, scholars have learned much about ancient China and its rulers

1.2. Rule passed from brother to brother and from the youngest brother to his oldest son

2. Sumeria

2.1. Sumerian priests had created a new writing system called cuneiform. Cuneiform is a system of writing that uses triangular-shaped symbols to stand for ideas or things

3. Egypt

3.1. The pharaohs relied on a Bureaucracy, or a system of offices and officials that handle the business of government.

3.2. Egyptian writing used hieroglyphics. A Hieroglyphic is a drawing or symbol that represents a word or a sound.

4. Indus

4.1. It just isn’t possible to know for sure what kind of government the Indus Valley had.

4.2. Most experts think that these marks are a form of writing. However, they do not know if these markings are names, records of sales, or something else.