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Reading af Mind Map: Reading

1. Skills

1.1. Reading for specific information (Scanning)

1.1.1. Glancing over most of the text it until we find the information we are interested in.

1.2. Reading for detail

1.2.1. Getting the meaning out of every word and out of the links or relationships between words and between sentences.

1.3. Deducing meaning from context

1.3.1. Reading the words around an unknown word or thinking about the situation the word is used in to try and find out the meaning.

1.4. Understanding text structure

1.4.1. Understanding how certain types of text generally develop.

1.5. Reading for gist (Skimming)

1.5.1. Glancing through a text to get a general idea of what it is about.

1.6. Inferring

1.6.1. Used to get meaning from a text. When reading, it's work out what the writer's opinion on a topic is or what his/her feeling is.

1.7. Predicting

1.7.1. Using clues belore we begin reading. to guess what a text may be about.

2. Ways of reading

2.1. Intensive

2.1.1. Look for words in a text related to a particular topic, or work out the grammar of a particular sentence. The aim of these activities is to make learners more aware of how language is used.

2.2. Extensive

2.2.1. Reading for pleasure, involves long pieces of text. For example, a story or an article.

3. Tips

3.1. Lead-in activities

3.1.1. Looking at the pictures around a text or at the title and trying to predict what the text will be about.

3.2. Graded readers

3.2.1. Books with language made easier for language leaners

3.3. When chosing texts...

3.3.1. Interests and level of difficulty

3.4. Different kinds of texts

3.4.1. Articles, stories, postcards, emails, brochures, leaflets, etc.

4. A receptive skill

4.1. It involves responding to text rather than responding to it.

5. In order to understand we have to...

5.1. Connect the message of the text to our knowledge of the world.

6. A text is usually longer than just a word or a sentence

6.1. Connected text is referred to as discourse.

6.1.1. Discourse is connected by grammar and vocabulary and/or our knowledge of the world.

7. It has to have

7.1. Cohesion, coherence and conjunctions