Marketing Video's

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Marketing Video's af Mind Map: Marketing Video's

1. Budget

1.1. Cold Vs Warm

1.2. How to set a marketing budget

1.3. Don't break it down to much

2. MindSets

2.1. Fail Fast

2.2. Always Learn

2.3. Values that work

2.4. Prioritise everything

2.5. Generalist vs Perfectionist

2.6. Be Stoic

3. Fundamental Concepts

3.1. OODA

3.2. AHA moment

3.3. Agile Marketing

3.4. A picture says a 1000 words, a video says a 1000 pictures

3.5. Pareto Principle

3.6. Marketing Value Propositions

3.7. German Vs Italian

3.8. Compounding Interest

3.9. Why sales and Marketing hate each other

3.10. Marketing meet's mission North Star

3.11. Marketing Funnels

3.12. Blue Vs Red Occean

3.13. WTF is strategy

3.14. Build a customer Avatar

3.15. The Ideation process

3.16. Math and Marketing

3.17. Unique selling Proposition and how to find it

3.18. Data Driven Culture

3.19. You now work for Algorithms

3.20. Why Planning is more important then the plan

3.21. Brevity in writing

3.22. Why every marketer needs to sell

3.23. The headline/Subheadline

3.24. Why experiences Matters

3.25. Impropaganda for Small Business's

3.26. Why the word marketing is so underrated

3.27. One Page Marketing Plan

3.28. The holistic way to Go To Market

3.29. Setting expectations

3.30. Finding alignment with other departments

3.31. Fire your customer

3.32. The power of Free

4. Trends

4.1. Video Marketing

4.2. Chat bot

4.3. eCommerce

4.4. Marketing Metrics

4.5. AI in Marketing

4.6. Account based Marketing

4.7. Influencer Marketing

4.8. Growth Hacking

4.9. Going LIve

4.10. Webinars

4.11. White Papers

5. Curation

5.1. Ads that stand out

5.2. Website that did it right

5.3. Branding that makes you say wow

6. Fostering Culture

6.1. Thanksgiving

6.2. Annual awards

6.3. Retreat

6.4. What to do when someone gets stick

6.5. Secret Santa

6.6. Team lunches

6.7. Townhalls

6.8. The book on culture

6.9. Why they should come in Halloween costume to work

7. Best Practise

7.1. Black Friday

7.2. Holiday Marketing

7.3. Marketing Automation Sequiences

7.4. Search Engine Marketing

7.5. Search Engine Optimisation

7.6. How to grow you Instagram

8. Marketing Stack

8.1. Heat Tracking

8.1.1. Hot Jar

8.2. Google Analyitcs

8.3. Google Console

8.4. Google Trends

8.5. Chat Bots

8.6. Kanban Boards

8.7. Email Marketing

8.8. Automation

8.9. App's without code

8.10. Build an internal knowledge base

9. Productivy Hack

9.1. Manage time

9.2. Eisenhower matrix

9.3. Pomodoro Technique

9.4. Plan Ahead

9.5. How to Make Chrome work for you

9.6. Hiring a team

9.7. Remote teams

9.8. Every hire should have these clearly defined

9.9. Turn your business into a lifestyle

9.10. Automating Reporting

9.11. Automating SEO audits

10. How to

10.1. Automate Marketing reports

10.2. Brainstorm a business idea with structure

10.3. Segment traffic

10.4. Tease the Media to write about you

10.5. Work Through

10.5.1. Structure your ads

10.5.2. Facebook pixel

10.5.3. Build a UTM

10.5.4. Find your avatar

10.5.5. Setup Keyword Alerts

10.6. Building audiences

11. Marketing Career

11.1. Certifications

11.1.1. Facebook ads

11.1.2. Google Analytics

11.1.3. Goolge Ads

11.2. Things you should do every year

11.2.1. Write a plan

11.2.2. Revisit your audience

11.2.3. Create an inforgraphic with Marketing Kpis.

11.2.4. Celebrate

11.2.5. Set Goals

11.2.6. Recognition

11.3. Books to read

11.4. People to Follow

11.5. Career Road Maps

11.5.1. Digital

11.5.2. The Marketeer

11.5.3. The data scientist

11.5.4. The writer

11.5.5. The analyst

12. Marketing Pages

12.1. CMS

12.1.1. Word Press

12.1.2. Drupla

12.1.3. Weblfow

12.2. CRM

12.3. White Paper ideas

12.4. Chat bots