TOK Framework - Natural sciences

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TOK Framework - Natural sciences af Mind Map: TOK Framework - Natural sciences

1. Scope

1.1. motivation of the pursuit of knowledge?

1.2. practical problems that can be solved?

1.3. key current open/unanswered questions?

1.4. what makes this knowledge important?

2. Methods & Tools

2.1. assumptions that underlie methods of inquiry?

2.2. what is seen to constitute “good evidence”?

2.3. how is knowledge produced and communicated?

2.4. tools used for the production and acquisition of knowledge?

3. Ethics

3.1. ethical constraints?

3.2. responsibilities?

3.3. when we should act on what we know?

3.4. change of established values?

4. Perspectives

4.1. key historical developments?

4.2. knowledge that is rooted in particular social and cultural groups?

4.3. types of knowledge that less open to interpretation than others?

4.4. the perspective of other knowers?