Digipedagocial competence: by Valerie Caubergh, Wiktoria Łysiuk and Iris Hubbard

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Digipedagocial competence: by Valerie Caubergh, Wiktoria Łysiuk and Iris Hubbard af Mind Map: Digipedagocial competence: by Valerie Caubergh, Wiktoria Łysiuk and Iris Hubbard

1. Consists of...

1.1. Technological tools that are used for planning, implementing and assessing teaching

1.2. Meant to enhance and enrich instruction

1.3. TPACK Framework

1.4. Equip students with 21st century skills

1.4.1. managing information

1.4.2. media literacy

1.4.3. critical thinking

1.4.4. content creation

1.4.5. responsible use

1.4.6. problem sovling

1.4.7. creativity

1.4.8. collaboration

1.5. Teacher attitudes and self efficacy are important

2. Prior knowledge

2.1. We all have some previous experiences using basic technology

2.1.1. So many new platforms, tools, devices etc., to try and experiment with, lots of opportunities

2.2. Can support teacher and student creativity and innovation in the classroom

2.3. Knowledge from areas other than pedagogy or e-learning is also useful - it allows you to take advantage of many opportunities and use them in teaching

3. Technology as a tool...

3.1. To improve teaching, learning, and training

3.1.1. For teachers Communication between teacher and students Sharing good practices with other educators Participating online and face-to-face trainings Sourcing, creating, and sharing digital resources Using for materials preparation for classes

3.1.2. For students Creating team projects Help in understanding phenomena, concepts, events etc. Preparation of homework in an attractive form Sharing work with the teacher and other students Increasing the effectiveness of learning through the involvement of many senses (sight, hearing) Access to educational content from home More "custom made" education Student can study more on their pace. Can search for additional sources appropriate if they are stuck in stage Sometimes easier to ask questions via chat

4. Trends in education

4.1. Increased use of technology in general

4.2. More tech based games and activities in use

4.3. Children are growing up with greater access to technology, and many schools are loaning out devices to students for entire years

4.4. Using entertainment as a way to learn

4.5. Increased knowledge about psychological processes of education and child development

5. Challenges for future

5.1. Teacher competence

5.2. Equitable access

5.3. Globalization

5.4. COVID/future pandemics

5.4.1. "working" at home Less distinction between school and home

5.4.2. Not all students have silent place where they can focus

5.4.3. What will be the influence of less physical education on development of children? How can we make sure children acquire also social skills from a distance?

5.5. Students' ignorance of traditional computers and their software due to the use of mainly mobile devices from an early age

5.6. Technology is so rapidly changing... what is "current" can soon become obsolete

5.6.1. What is future education? (open-ended question to consider) Unpredictable because of all the constant changes

5.7. Some technologies cannot replace some elements (e.g. personal contact with the teacher or students)

5.7.1. Non-verbal communication

5.7.2. Less interaction

5.7.3. Les natural communication Students speak at same time; have to raise hands

5.8. Students are often more easilly distracted

5.8.1. Studying at home

5.8.2. Social media

5.8.3. Streaming media

5.8.4. Playing games

5.9. Students feel less obligated to show up and prepare material in online education

6. Contexts

6.1. Micro level

6.1.1. Teacher's personal abilities

6.1.2. Digipedagogical competences and experiences

6.1.3. Teacher’s own attitudes, motivation, and choices

6.1.4. Students' demographic and socio-psychological aspects, and prior knowledge

6.2. Macro level

6.2.1. School, community, region, country Societal, municipal and governmental aspects Norms, practices, beliefs, and preferences

6.2.2. Financial support School culture Municipal strategies Regulations, rules, and laws National curriculums Politics affect

6.2.3. Support for in-service teacher training by the school principal

6.2.4. Colleagues supporting teachers at work