lesson plan

MindmapDue Mar 23 by 11:59p

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lesson plan af Mind Map: lesson plan

1. synchronous activity

1.1. What students are doing to learn together at the same time?

2. content time

3. asynchronous actitivity

3.1. What students are doing individually or in small groups to learn outside class of time?

4. closing

5. assessment

6. reflection

7. additional resources

8. important reminder

8.1. Deadlines, Reminders, etc.

9. introduction

10. Learner objectives

10.1. students should be answered these three questions: 1-What am I learning? 2-Why am I learning it? 3-how I will that I have learned it?

11. connection

11.1. How you will keep students connected to each other and to you?

12. focus activity

12.1. Activity to help students focus in on the learning.

13. topic/ unit of study

14. length of study

15. where to go for help