Hub Space Co.,Ltd.

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Hub Space Co.,Ltd. af Mind Map: Hub Space Co.,Ltd.

1. Sales

1.1. Start small and focus on client needs. How to help client acquiring a new customer, retaining a current customer, maximize sales from a current customer are the important things to consider when selling our product to a client.

1.1.1. Start small and focus

1.1.2. The important things to consider when selling our product

1.1.3. Focus on customer needs

2. Employees

2.1. Emphasize on Consensus between owners and employees.

2.2. Put the right man on the right job

2.2.1. Fast

2.2.2. inexpensive

2.3. Give a freedom to employees but do cross-check for company standard.

2.4. Use systems, templates and culture for complying the company standard to employees instead of blaming.

2.5. Getting feed back from employees.

3. Business

3.1. Revenues (Be fair and honest with a customer by let a client pay what actually used. Use multiple pricing model base on feature for leveraging and stabilizing profits)

3.1.1. Fair pricing Pay what client actually used.

3.1.2. Multiple pricing models Feature base pricing Combined pricing models

3.2. Helping A Customer (Focus on helping a client reducing a barrier to acquire new customer. And then, help a client retain current customer. Help a client maximize sales by cross-selling and up-selling.)

3.2.1. Reducing a barrier to acquire new customer

3.2.2. Retaining a current customer

3.2.3. Maximize sales from a new and a current customer.

3.3. Customer (We focus a client who emphasizes acquiring new customer, a customer retention and maximizing sales from new and current customer. And try to be the best solution for such a client's business type. And then, we expand to other business types. )

3.3.1. focus a client who emphasizes a customer relationship.

3.3.2. Be an expert and the best solution for such a client's business type

3.3.3. Expand to other business types.

4. Services

4.1. Be responsible, responsive and treat a client as a long term partnership. Because we want to growing up with a client. A good relationship client is willing to learn more about our features and solutions. So it will dramatically increase opportunities to sell other features to such a client.

4.1.1. Long term partnership

4.1.2. Be responsible

4.1.3. Be responsive

5. Products

5.1. Understand client needs and client's business type for designing product that delivers the value propositions to a client.

5.1.1. Understanding client needs Understand client's business type