Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship

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Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship af Mind Map: Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship

1. Community Engagement

1.1. Key Concepts

1.1.1. Friendraising

1.1.2. Community Impact Planning

1.1.3. Community driven governance

1.1.4. Asset based resources development

1.1.5. Vision based community Impact Planning

1.1.6. Organizational wellness planning

1.1.7. Building programs and shared resources

1.1.8. Community based program development

1.2. 7 core principles of Community Engagement

1.2.1. Careful planning and Preparation

1.2.2. Inclusion and demographic diversity

1.2.3. Collaboration and Shared purpose

1.2.4. Openness and Learning

1.2.5. Transparency and Trust

1.2.6. Impact and Action

1.2.7. Sustained engagement and Participatory culture

1.3. GOALS

1.3.1. Build trust

1.3.2. Enlist new resources and allies

1.3.3. Create better communication

1.4. Benefits

1.4.1. Strengthened communities and cohesion

1.4.2. Strengthened accountability of partners and coalitions

1.4.3. Improved service delivery, efficiency and effectiveness

1.4.4. Improved health and social outcomes

2. Solidarity

2.1. 8 Core principles of Solidarity

2.1.1. Dignity of Human person

2.1.2. The Common good

2.1.3. Subsidiary and Participation

2.1.4. Solidarity regardless of Ideological differences

2.1.5. Preferential option for the Poor

2.1.6. Economic Justice

2.1.7. Stewardship and Creation

2.1.8. Promotion of Peace

3. Citizenship

3.1. Nationality

3.1.1. Freedom

3.1.2. Rights

3.1.3. Duties Obligations