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Web 2.0 Tools af Mind Map: Web 2.0 Tools

1. Tools for Language Practice

1.1. Duolingo

1.1.1. Students can practice language skills online. There are a variety of languages to choose from and practice with. Each lesson includes listening, reading, writing and speaking skills. Learn a language for free

1.2. Forvo

1.2.1. Students can look up vocabulary words and listen to its pronunciation. Forvo also includes other world languages and the pronunciations include native speakers. Forvo: the pronunciation dictionary. All the words in the world pronounced by native speakers

1.3. Fotobabble

1.3.1. Students create and share talking photos. In the Spanish setting, the can find or take a picture of something that represents some of their vocabulary words. Students can then practice saying the word and use it in a sentence while speaking Spanish. Fotobabble

2. Tools for Storytelling

2.1. Voice Thread

2.1.1. Students and teachers can make audio presentations. Once a file is made, students can also invite others to collaborate with them and add to what they have. VoiceThread - Home

2.2. Make Beliefs Comix

2.2.1. Students can work together to create their very own comics that would cover a variety of topics. TEACHERS - Make Beliefs Comix

2.3. Storybird

2.4. Epic!

2.4.1. Students can pick from a variety of pictures to create stories. They also have to option to collaborate and share ideas while creating their stories. Storybird - Read, write, discover, and share the books you'll always remember.

2.4.2. A large digital library of books available on a variety of topics and reading levels. They also offer a large collection of Spanish books. Many of the books offer an audio option and also have quizzes at the end to check for comprehension. Instantly access over 40,000 of the best books & videos for kids on Epic

3. Tools for Social Networking

3.1. Twitter

3.1.1. A social networking site to connect with others and build a personal learning network. https://twitter.com/

3.2. Facebook

3.2.1. Another useful social networking site to build your PLN. There are a variety of groups to join, participate in, and collaborate with others. Facebook – Anmelden oder Registrieren

4. Tools for Formative Assessment

4.1. Nearpod

4.1.1. A tool that teachers can use to create formative assessments using a variety of activities. Nearpod: Make every lesson interactive

4.2. Socrative

4.2.1. A simple quick tool that teachers can utilize to create formative assessments for their students. This program will also provide teachers with quick clear data so that they know where to help their students next. Home - Socrative

4.3. Edpuzzle

4.3.1. Teachers create questions that are embedded throughout a video that students watch. Edpuzzle | Make Any Video Your Lesson