Standard 11: Using Technology in the Classroom Substandard D

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Standard 11: Using Technology in the Classroom Substandard D af Mind Map: Standard 11: Using Technology in the Classroom  Substandard D

1. Candidates use appropriate technology to

1.1. facilitate the teaching process

1.2. facilitate the learning process

2. Candidates are able to evaluate a wide array of technologies for

2.1. relevance with state-adopted academic content standards

2.2. effectiveness with state-adopted academic content standards

2.3. alignment with state-adopted academic content standards

2.4. and the value they add to student learning

3. Candidates are able to select a wide array of technologies for

3.1. relevance with state-adopted academic content standards

3.2. effectiveness with state-adopted academic content standards

3.3. alignment with state-adopted academic content standards

3.4. and the value they add to student learning