Types of Phrases in the song " Rhinestone eyes" by Gorillaz

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Types of Phrases in the song " Rhinestone eyes" by Gorillaz af Mind Map: Types of Phrases in the song " Rhinestone eyes" by Gorillaz

1. The objective with the participle: Clinging to the atoms of rocks

2. Predicative phrases:

3. The objective with the participle: rhinestones falling from the sky

4. verbal group: can't see now, call the mainland

5. adverbial word-phrase:far away

6. Prepositional word-group: on a tower, in the summer, over the beach, with the heat, Under sunshine

7. noun word-phrase: a scary gargoyle, plastic power, paralytic dreams, rhinestone eyes,

8. Subordinate phrases

9. Coordinate phrases:

10. copulative phrases: loyalties and skies, the verses and the corrosion

11. asyndetic phrase: Seasons, the adjustments