Section #1: Causes of Expansion (Post-1931)

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Section #1: Causes of Expansion (Post-1931) af Mind Map: Section #1: Causes of Expansion (Post-1931)

1. Jan. 28, 1932 - Mar. 3, 1932: Shanghai Incident

1.1. Further fallout of Japanese aggression and expansionism

1.2. With Manchukuo under their control - wanted to expand influence further into Shanghai

1.2.1. History of foreign incursion

1.3. Japanese monks beaten in Shanghai by Chinese civilians near factory

1.3.1. Factory is burnt down unclear by whom

1.4. Anti-Japanese riots break out

1.5. Battle erupts, Chinese forced to withdraw

1.5.1. Helps turn international opinion even more against Japan

2. Mar. 1933: Japan’s withdrawal from the League of Nations

2.1. In protest of Lytton report

2.2. Wildly popular decision among the Japanese people;

2.2.1. Nationalism

2.2.2. Belief in Western racism

2.2.3. Hypocrisy of Western imperial powers

2.3. Manchuria is the turning point

2.3.1. Leads to; Japan’s isolation from international diplomacy The Washington Treaty System

2.4. Their aggression had gotten out of control

2.4.1. Foreign policy ensured that diplomacy had been foregone

3. 1932 - 1936: 3 major assassination plots

3.1. 1932: PM assassinated - dubbed “May 15th Incident”

3.1.1. Widespread support for conspirators

3.1.2. Undermined legitimacy of government

3.1.3. Interim governments from ‘32-’36 as Imperial Way Control Faction’s fight for power

3.2. 1934: Leader of Tosei-ha assassinated by a Koda-ha officer

3.2.1. Officer was tried and executed

3.2.2. In response the Imperial Way; Faction took over government buildings in Tokyo Murdered politicians

3.2.3. Both sides were actually in favour of nationalism and military expansion Inevitable End Goal

3.2.4. 15 conspirators executed Imperial Way discredited

3.2.5. Tosei-ha emerges as dominant force in military A little less bloodthirsty not so aggressive on USSR wanted takeover on China

3.2.6. By ‘36 power is essentially handed over to military Free to execute all agendas of militarism and aggression