1. Billedcollage
2. http://skoleblogs.dk/
3. http://bighugelabs.com/
4. Phoster
5. http://www.googleartproject.com/
6. http://frubilledkunst.blogspot.dk/
6.1. Se også flere blogs her..
7. http://www.herningbilledskole.dk/
8. Billedbehandling F12
8.1. Paint
8.2. http://faglighedogit.skoleblogs.dk/
9. Billedbehandling Web 2.0
9.1. http://www.cutmypic.com/
9.2. http://pixlr.com/
9.3. http://fotoflexer.com/
9.4. http://www.sumopaint.com/app/
9.5. http://www.1stwebdesigner.com/freebies/28-online-photo-editing-websites-to-have-fun-with/
9.6. http://www.picmonkey.com/
9.7. http://www.befunky.com
10. Billedbehandling - til mobilen
10.1. http://pixlr.com/
10.2. Enkelt billedbehandling til mobilen:http://www.aviary.com/
10.3. http://www.shapecollage.com/
11. Bloggen
12. Billedbaser
12.1. http://www.artsonia.com/
12.2. http://www.kunsten.dk/Default.aspx?ID=56
12.3. http://artxplorer.aros.dk/
12.4. http://www.smk.dk/udforsk-kunsten/samlingerne/
12.4.1. ...også til download
12.5. http://www.emu.dk/gym/fag/kl/inspiration/billedsamlinger.html
12.6. https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/en/explore-the-collection
12.7. http://picasa.google.com/
12.8. http://www.flickr.com/
13. Apps
13.1. www.ipadiskolen.dk
13.2. http://www.skole-apps.dk/Forside.html
13.3. http://mors-apps.com/
13.4. Paper
13.5. My brushes pro
13.6. Art set
13.7. Aviary
13.8. Puppet Pals HD
13.9. Skoletube
14. Billedanalyse
14.1. http://billedguiden.dk/
15. x
16. x
17. e
18. Pixton
18.1. Estimate Project Costs
18.2. Identify and Quantify Benefits
18.3. Determine Break-even Point
18.4. Analyze Risk
18.5. Review Business Case
19. Map Requirements
20. http://www.blockposters.com/
20.1. http://issuu.com/
21. http://demo.fb.se/e/girlpower/retouch/retouch/
22. http://www.dr.dk/skole/Billedkunst/Klatvaerket/Klatvaerket
23. http://makepixelart.com/free/#
24. http://www.imagechef.com/ic/product.jsp
25. http://pinterest.com/
26. http://www.smartboardskolen.blogspot.dk/search/label/Om%20billeder
26.1. Establish checkpoints
26.2. Acquire team resources for stage
26.3. Conduct stage kick-off meeting
26.4. http://linefroeslev.blogspot.dk/
27. http://www.jacksonpollock.org/
27.1. Schedule Quality Review Meeting
27.2. Prepare for Quality Review Meeting
27.3. Follow-up Quality Review Meeting
28. Skoletubeprogrammer
28.1. Animoto
28.1.1. Recruit Project Sponsor
28.1.2. Recruit Project Manager
28.1.3. Review Related Projects and Lessons Learned
28.1.4. Prepare Project Initiation Plan
28.1.5. Brief the Initial Project Team
28.1.6. Review Project Kick-off Plans and Presentation Map
28.1.7. Hold Project Kick-off Meeting
28.2. Wix
28.2.1. Establish Project Objective
28.2.2. Establish Project Scope
28.2.3. Map Solution
28.2.4. Map Training Requirement
28.2.5. Review Project Scope
28.3. Slidemaker
28.3.1. Determine Project Approach, Stages and Steps
28.3.2. Estimate Project Duration
28.3.3. Establish Resource Requirements
28.3.4. Prepare Project Schedule and Budget
28.3.5. Prepare Work breakdown structure
28.3.6. Document Success Criteria
28.3.7. Review Project Schedule
28.4. Prezi
28.4.1. Identify Project Resources
28.4.2. Recruit Project Steering Committee
28.4.3. Recruit Project Coordinators
28.4.4. Identify / Recruit Key Stakeholders
28.4.5. Determine Training Requirements
28.4.6. Map the Project Organization Chart
28.4.7. Review Project Organization
28.5. Goanimate
28.5.1. Establish Project Administration Procedures
28.5.2. Establish Quality Control Procedures
28.5.3. Establish Progress Control Procedures
28.5.4. Establish Change Control Procedures
28.5.5. Establish Issue Resolution Procedure
28.5.6. Review Project Control Procedures
28.6. X-tranormal
28.6.1. Prepare Initiation Stage Assessment
28.6.2. Review Initiation Stage Assessment
28.6.3. Follow-Up Initiation Stage Assessment
28.6.4. Compile Project Initiation Report
29. IWB
29.1. http://mypaint.intilinux.com/
29.1.1. skal downloades....
30. Web 2.0-inspiration
30.1. http://skolestuen.blogspot.dk/search/label/Billedkunst
30.1.1. Prepare for Project Closure Meeting
30.1.2. Conduct Project Closure Meeting
30.1.3. Follow Up Project Closure Meeting
30.2. Plakatværksted: http://www.glogster.com/
30.2.1. Prepare Project Review
30.2.2. Conduct Project Review
30.2.3. Implement Process Improvement
30.3. http://storybird.com/
30.4. http://kids.tate.org.uk/games/
30.5. http://www.artsonia.com/
30.6. Hjemmesider med inspiration til undervisningen
30.6.1. Av-forms side http://billedkunstideer.dk/ Conduct Quality Review Meeting