Some Useful Web-based Tools for Students

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Some Useful Web-based Tools for Students af Mind Map: Some Useful  Web-based Tools for  Students

1. Presentation Tools

1.1. Webfolio - see myBrand example

1.2. Prezi

1.3. Issuu

1.4. Pinterest

1.5. Xtranormal

1.6. Toonlet

1.7. Slideshare

1.8. Wordle

2. Research Tools...

2.1. Social Bookmarking

2.1.1. Diigo

2.1.2. Delicious

2.1.3. myStickies

2.1.4. PearlTrees

2.2. Google Reader

3. Planning Tools

3.1. Mindmapping

3.1.1. MindMeister

3.1.2. FreeMind

3.1.3. MindGenius

3.2. Evernote

3.3. Workflowy

4. Networking

4.1. Facebook

4.2. Google+

4.3. LinkedIn

4.4. Blogging

4.4.1. WordPress

4.4.2. Blogger

4.4.3. Tumblr

4.4.4. Twitter

5. Online Collaborative Storage

5.1. Dropbox

5.2. Google Drive

5.3. Microsoft SkyDrive

6. Core University Web-based Tools

6.1. Mobile With Plymouth University

6.2. TULIP

6.3. ePortfolio/ PebblePad

6.3.1. Turnitin

7. Media

7.1. Flickr

7.2. Video

7.2.1. iTunesU

7.2.2. YouTube

7.2.3. Vimeo