:slightly_smiling_face: What would you like to learn about in this class? for asynchronous studen...


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:slightly_smiling_face: What would you like to learn about in this class? for asynchronous students (Please write your name) af Mind Map: :slightly_smiling_face: What would you like to learn about in this class? for asynchronous students (Please write your name)

1. Specific legislation of each party

2. How to determine which project delivery method to utilize

3. Would like to see the implementation of different methods

4. How companies decide to adjust their bids to be competitive

5. What we should know that will benefit us in the long run while choosing a specific dbm for a project

6. What happens when a method fails

7. Relationship between owner/contractor/design team for each delivery method.

8. To understand the impact of various organizational structures on project delivery.

9. How different delivery methods affect the bidding process -Andria