
Akzhunis Uzakbaeva IT1-2012

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Psychology af Mind Map: Psychology

1. Definition

1.1. is the science of mind and behavior.

2. Type

2.1. behavioral

2.2. clinical

2.3. cognative

2.4. decision

2.5. social

2.6. developmental

2.7. intellectual

2.8. quantitative

3. Impact of Psychology

3.1. Improving our understanding of why people behave as they do as well

3.2. Understanding the different factors that can impact the human mind and behavior

3.3. Understanding issues that impact health, daily life, and well-being

3.4. Improving ergonomics to improve product design

3.5. Creating safer and more efficient workspaces

3.6. Helping motivate people to achieve their goals

3.7. Improving productivity

4. Uses

4.1. developing

4.2. ergonomies

4.3. informing public

4.4. metal health

4.5. performance

4.6. enhament

4.7. personal health

4.8. self-help

5. Goals

5.1. to describe

5.2. to explain

5.3. to predict

5.4. to change

6. Study

6.1. feel

6.2. thinl

6.3. behave