
Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Literacy af Mind Map: Literacy

1. Teacher's Role

1.1. Facilitator, guide the learning, providing students the tools to find the information and teach the others in class.

1.2. Teach students how to navigate the internet safely, how to check to see if sources of information are correct.

2. Classroom Set Up

2.1. Students divided into collaboration groups.

2.2. Sit with their group at tables instead of individual desks.

2.3. No need for meeting in class everyday. They can work in thier groups online or in person. Meet with the teacher in person once a week.

3. Technology

3.1. Every student has access to a computer during school and at home. This could be an ipad, smart phone, etc...

3.2. We would have a class website or portal like

3.3. Student would have online journals, blogging to reflect on topics and post questions for discussions.

3.4. We would use youtube to post video creations, live videocams for parents and the community to watch presentations. We would create games, commercials, give speeches, role play.

4. Student Roles

4.1. Be the teachers of the class.

4.2. Help create what projects they will use to present their information.

4.3. Work in groups and learn how to divide up work, listen to a team leader, etc...

4.4. Be responsible for doing online journaling, contributing to thier group, etc..