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Uwais Patel af Mind Map: Uwais Patel

1. Career

1.1. Work hard

1.2. Find a job I like

1.3. Be Committed

2. Friends

2.1. Go out with friends

2.2. Make new friends

2.3. Cherish memories

3. Hobbies

3.1. Tweet a lot

3.2. Play Call of Duty

3.3. Read

4. Business

4.1. To become wealthy

4.2. Own a franchise

4.3. Become C.E.O.

5. Family

5.1. Support them with money

5.2. Bond with Family

5.3. Become a father

6. Health

6.1. Eat Breakfast

6.1.1. New node

6.2. Stay Active

6.3. Grow Tall