Causes of Cultural Barriers: Most cultures have different practices and meanings in words, behavi...

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Causes of Cultural Barriers: Most cultures have different practices and meanings in words, behaviors and other ways of relating to each other, which has negative effects on society. af Mind Map: Causes of Cultural Barriers: Most cultures have different practices and meanings in words, behaviors and other ways of relating to each other, which has negative effects on society.

1. The main barrier between cultures is language, as there are millions of people in the world who only understand their natural language, their own language, and this makes it impossible to understand people from other cultures. For example, when there was a separation between two parts of Germany, it became very difficult to communicate between them, as the language was very different. This led to a lack of communication between the two parts for decades.

2. The second barrier is signs and symbols, those gestures or non-verbal communication that are practiced in the culture and have some meaning. For example, the gesture "OK" or perfect, joining the index finger and thumb making an "o" and the remaining three fingers raised means in some countries like Brazil and Russia, fuck you.

3. The third barrier is stereotypes and prejudices, these are characterized by creating a perspective of an entire culture, generalizing it and assuming that they have the same characteristics. It is mostly negative and can be about gender, race, age, ethnicity, among other characteristics. For example, there is a stereotype about Colombians, that they all sell drugs and that they are macho and rude, which are considered negative aspects.

4. The last barrier is religion, because of their beliefs it is difficult for people to talk to people of other religions, since the different points of view create very distant opinions. For example, in countries like Pakistan, there are many religions but the minority ones suffer more, for which they are discriminated against and excluded.

5. The fourth barrier is behaviors, forms and beliefs, cultures have different ways of thinking and communicating, such as body language and manners. Likewise, each culture has a regulation on what is good and evil. For example, in some countries you greet with two kisses on the cheek, either men and women, while in other countries that would be disrespectful. On the other hand, there are beliefs, influenced by values ​​and interests. For example, parw forgive them who believe in God and it is easier to find something to take refuge in difficult moments, while atheists have to solve themselves

6. The fifth barrier is ethnocentrism, it is based on the differentiation between groups of cultures, they are divided between “us” and “them”. Where there is a preference for the internal or majority group and an exclusion and inferiority for external groups. Which would mean that if the culture is similar to ours, it is accepted, but if it is different, it goes outside or is not valid. For example, Colombian culture often excludes people who make up the LGBTIQ + community for their beliefs and traits that are different from the traditional ones.