100k Launch Journey Workshop.

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100k Launch Journey Workshop. af Mind Map: 100k Launch Journey Workshop.

1. Module 5 : Setting up the Tech

1.1. Lesson 1 ;

1.1.1. Building a Sales Page

1.2. Lesson 2 ;

1.2.1. Building a Checkout Page

1.3. Lesson 3 ;

1.3.1. Building an Opt-in Page

1.4. Lesson 4 ;

1.4.1. Sales Video

1.5. Lesson 5 ;

1.5.1. Lead Magnets

1.6. In this Module I explain all the steps required to be taken to Build a Sales Page , a Checkout Page and a simple Opt in Page. I implement these steps practically and show how its done and what to be considered when creating these pages and what to be included. I then discuss about Sales Videos , how to add a Sales Video on a Sales Page to make it more efficient, the importance, how its done, what to be included and how to record such videos Finally I discuss about Lead Magnets, what they are, the types of Lead Magnets, why including them in opt in pages is important and how to create a Lead Magnet on Canva

2. Module 6 : Delivering Your Course

2.1. Lesson 1 ;

2.1.1. Best ways to Deliver Your Course

2.2. Lesson 2 ;

2.2.1. How to Record all the Videos for Your Course

2.3. Lesson 3 ;

2.3.1. Points to consider when preparing the Modules

2.4. Lesson 4 ;

2.4.1. Live Sessions

2.5. Lesson 5 ;

2.5.1. How to Get People Opt in

2.6. This Module Discusses the Best ways to Deliver the Course we prepare , How to Record the Videos for all Lessons , the Apps to use when Recording Videos and the Points to be consider when preparing the Modules for the Course Then I discuss about Live sessions, why they are important, why and how to conduct them and the softwares to be used And then I give some useful tips on How to Get people opt in through our opt in page in order to build our Email List and the importance of building an email list

3. Module 7 : Provide Support

3.1. Lesson 1 ;

3.1.1. How to set up the tech to provide support

3.2. Lesson 2 ;

3.2.1. Conditions of the support we offer

3.3. Lesson 3 ;

3.3.1. How to Craft a Perfect Email

3.4. Lesson 4 ;

3.4.1. Email Marketing

3.5. Lesson 5 ;

3.5.1. Conclusion

3.6. In the final Module I talk all about the importance of Providing Support and how to set everything up to Provide Support. I discuss about how Providing support benefits both the clients and the Course Creators. I also spoke about the conditions of thesupport we offer and how necessary it is to mention these conditions beforehand I finally discuss all about Emails, How to Craft Emails for follow up and How to Do Email Marketing to get leads and Build our Email List and the importance of Email Marketing