Empiricism is not a Four-Letter Word - Davida Charney

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Empiricism is not a Four-Letter Word - Davida Charney af Mind Map: Empiricism is not a Four-Letter Word - Davida Charney

1. acceptability of socially-situated studies

1.1. Aloof relationship between researchers and subjects

1.2. Functionalism

1.3. Sexism

2. intellectual value of methods and topics of research

2.1. claim of unbias researchers

2.2. Science is too authoritative

3. Subjectivity

3.1. Case studies, unique social situations that may not be replicated, makes the sole researcher the "authority" on the data

4. Empirical Research

4.1. objectivity, data collecting with more than one researcher as the "authority"

5. Intellectual Authority in the Field

5.1. Credence, not reputation or type of research methods

6. political implications in research

6.1. Power institutions

6.2. Science is socially constructed (exists in capitalism)