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Feudalism af Mind Map: Feudalism

1. Peasants/serfs

1.1. Responsibilities/Duties

1.1.1. work in the fields

1.1.2. lowest class

1.2. Rights

1.2.1. almost none

1.2.2. can't leave birthplace

1.3. Environment

1.3.1. minimal diet

1.3.2. lived in small huts 1 or 2 rooms, dirt floors

2. Nobles

2.1. Rights

2.1.1. more than almost any other class

2.2. Environment

2.2.1. nice estates

2.3. Responsibilities/Duties

2.3.1. manage knights

3. Kings

3.1. Rights

3.1.1. does what he wants

3.2. Environment

3.2.1. best food in the land

3.2.2. lives in the keep

3.3. Responsibilities/Dutes

3.3.1. manage kingdom

3.3.2. keep everyone happy

4. Clergy/Church Officials

4.1. Rights

4.2. Environment

4.2.1. the church

4.3. Responsibilities/Duties

4.3.1. pray

4.3.2. lead rituals

5. Knights

5.1. Rights

5.1.1. normal amount

5.2. Environment

5.2.1. good diet

5.2.2. nice house

5.2.3. owned many fiefs

5.3. Responsibilities/Duties

5.3.1. fight for the king

5.3.2. manage peasants

5.3.3. keep the people safe