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medicine af Mind Map: medicine

1. Anatomy

1.1. Upper limb

1.2. Lower limb

1.3. Thorax

1.4. Head and neck

1.5. Neuroanatomy

1.6. Abdomen

1.7. Pelvis and perineum

1.8. Instant Anatomy Web

2. Histology

2.1. General Histology

2.2. Special Histology

3. Phatology

4. Microbiology

4.1. General Bacteriology

4.2. Immunology

4.3. Systematic Bacteriology

4.4. Mycology

4.5. Virology

5. Community Medicine

6. Animation for teaching

7. Physiology

7.1. Autonomic nervous system

7.2. Blood physiology

7.3. Muscle and neurophysiology

7.4. Cardiovascular system

7.5. Respiratory system

7.6. Sensory nervous system

7.7. Motor nervous system

7.8. Special sense

7.9. Endocrine system

7.10. Digestive system

7.11. Renal system

7.12. Reproductive system

7.13. Metabolism

8. Biochemistry

8.1. Basic Biochemistry

8.2. Metabolic Biochemistry

9. Phamacology

9.1. General

9.2. ANS

9.3. CNS

9.4. Renal

9.5. Endocrine

9.6. Blood

9.7. Antibacterial

9.8. GIT

9.9. Chemoteraphy

9.10. Regrouping of drugs

9.11. Pharmacology Mnemonics

10. Parasitology

10.1. Helminthology

10.2. Protozoology

10.3. Entomology

11. Ophthamology

12. ENT

12.1. Ear

12.2. Nose

12.3. Throat