How might we facilitate a global paradigm shift from the industrial growth society to the life su...

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How might we facilitate a global paradigm shift from the industrial growth society to the life sustaining society? af Mind Map: How might we facilitate a global paradigm shift from the industrial growth society to the life sustaining society?

1. Reading list

1.1. Coming home to story

1.2. Story wars

1.3. The Little Prince

2. Shifts for Social Change

2.1. Societal readiness

2.2. Sequencing effects

2.3. Points of leverage

2.4. Framework

2.5. Deprogramming the industrial growth society

3. Larking about

3.1. 2c in the shower

3.2. Cigarette paper 1st line of books

3.3. Cleavage

4. Hunch

5. Inspiration

5.1. If you want to change the world. Love a woman.

5.2. Inception

5.3. Max Neef bifurification

6. Network

6.1. Robin De Charet

6.2. Rob Poynton

7. How might I communicate them ATL?

7.1. Seeding in movies

7.2. YouTube Videos

7.2.1. Moonwalking bears

8. Audiences

8.1. Families

8.2. Teenagers

8.3. Business leaders

8.4. Policy makers

9. Inception drivers

9.1. Finding my calling

9.2. Inner child

9.3. Relationship with parents

9.4. Finding the one

9.5. Other people's projection of who I am

10. Nobel Prize Winning Self Belief

11. How to avoid embodying to tell people?

11.1. Experiencing life

11.2. Sharing humour?

11.3. Cool new tricks

12. Where is the role of telling?

12.1. TED: Trading lightning ideas

12.2. Follow on story?

13. An evolutionary self organised movement

13.1. Long term possibility

14. My heart's desire

14.1. U Journaling

15. Criteria for embodied memes

16. Activating interviews

16.1. Me

16.1.1. My Narrative My paradigm shifts Ways to embody them

16.2. Rob Poynton

17. How might I conduct a complexity based enquiry?

17.1. Methodology

17.2. How can I facilitate other people to explore and report back?

17.3. My brain as a complex adaptive system.

18. How might I create embodied memes that advance social change?

18.1. Memes

18.1.1. criteria for successful memes

18.1.2. Role of time for immersion

18.2. Embodied cognition

18.2.1. Can you awaken?

18.3. Game Design

18.4. Role of context

19. Experience review of embodiment + memes

19.1. Me

19.1.1. The American Dream

19.2. Others

19.2.1. Jonathan

19.2.2. Rob

19.2.3. Robin

20. How might I design regular memes that advance social change?

20.1. Straplines

20.2. Language

20.2.1. Work with a small w

20.2.2. Silent pronunciation

20.2.3. Rationalized self interest

20.2.4. The world of our longing

20.2.5. From knowledge to understanding

20.3. Stories

20.4. Current language and logic and justification

20.4.1. Layered narrative

21. Ideas

21.1. Secular grace

21.1.1. Activating interviws

22. Complexity inspired process