Why I want to work at investment bank

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Why I want to work at investment bank af Mind Map: Why I want to work at investment bank

1. There are two main reason why I want to work at your comapny.

1.1. The first reason

1.1.1. I want to develop Japanese companies that are strong enough to resist unexpected situations through M&A and financing. Why do you want to develop such Japanese companies Three past experiences are the major reason for my interest. Why Inbestment banking to be able to work not only one but also multiple I thought that in order to achieve the major goal of building a Japan that is resilient to shortage situations with my limited working hours, it would be effective to use financial resources that can be leveraged. contribute to the management team of the companies throh financial advices and support lie ma

1.2. The second reason

1.2.1. Because I was really attracted to the business of investment banking. match criteria for choosing companies 企業を選ぶ基準は何ですか?