The Color of Water Group 1 - Period 2

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The Color of Water Group 1 - Period 2 af Mind Map: The Color of Water Group 1 - Period 2

1. kosher

1.1. Def-Satisfying the requirements of Jewish law

1.2. Jewish people eat kosher meals.

1.3. Pork is not kosher

1.4. Kosher dietary laws are observed all year round

2. spry

2.1. Define: to be lively/active

2.2. My dog was spry once he smelt bacon.

2.3. The group was spry once i told them they could have a chance to win candy.

2.4. I' not very spry in the mornings when my alarm clock goes off.

3. candidness

3.1. Def: Straighforward

3.2. The teacher was very candid with his instructions so the students know exactly what to do.

3.3. The test was very candid.

3.4. The treasure hunt clues were candid so we could find the prize very quickly.

4. yarmulke

4.1. Def: A cap worn by orthodox jewish men

4.2. The Jewish man put on his yarmulke before prayer.

4.3. the yarmulke sat on the table near the bible

4.4. The man could not decide between the red yarmulke and the blue yarmulke

5. nubian

5.1. de

5.2. Of or relating to Nubia, its people, or their language.f:

5.3. The nubian was very kind

5.4. i love them nubians!

5.5. lets go to meet the nubians!

6. modus operandi

6.1. def a method of procedure; especially : a distinct pattern or method of operation that indicates or suggests the work of a single criminal in more than one crime:

6.2. We shall use the modus operandi carlos!

6.3. They used the modus operandi method!

6.4. The modus operandi is the best ever!

7. mahogany

7.1. def: a type of wood from any of several tropical american trees; yielding hard, reddish brown wood used for making furniture

7.2. I redid my kitchen floor with mahogany wood floors

7.3. This mahogany matchs your ceiling very well carl!

7.4. Mahogany is such an amazing wood!

8. dissipate

8.1. Def-Disperse or scatter.

8.2. The crowd began to dissipate.

8.3. The old ladies pain dissipated as the medication wore in.

8.4. After I do laundry my folded clothes tend to dissipate.

9. fervor

9.1. Def: great warmth and earnestness of feeling

9.2. to speak with great fervor.

10. synagogue

10.1. Def-The building where a Jewish assembly or congregation meets for religious observance and instruction.

10.2. Ruth avoided entering a synagogue for years because of her past.

10.3. Ruth's father and his family traveled around the country so he could work in several different synagogues.