Copy of The Color of Water Period 2 - Group 1

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Copy of The Color of Water Period 2 - Group 1 af Mind Map: Copy of The Color of Water Period 2 - Group 1

1. A skullcap worn by Jewish males during prayer or during religious studies.

2. kosher

2.1. allowed to be eaten or used, according to the dietary or ceremonial laws

2.2. 1. For dinner we are

3. spry

4. candidness

4.1. 1. It was a candid party.

4.2. Informal, honest, outspoken

4.3. 2. They said her candidness was a gift and a curse.

5. yarmulke

6. modus operandi

6.1. Particular way or method or doing somthing.

7. dissipate

7.1. to scatter in various directions

8. fervor

8.1. Great Warmth or effect of feeling

8.2. He talked with such great fervor that it drew me in to listen so intently to what his true thoughts on politics were.

9. synagogue

9.1. I always stop past the synagogue to pray on my way home from school.

10. mahogany

11. nubian

11.1. A black slave or a person from nubia

11.2. 1. His great grandmother was a nubian