The Kokoda Trial

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The Kokoda Trial af Mind Map: The Kokoda Trial

1. Japanese Troops

1.1. Japan invaded the North Coast of New Guinea in July 1942

1.2. The Japanese planned to move south along a track that passed through the village of Kokoda

1.3. They then wanted to move through to Port Morseby which was less than 500km from the north of Australia

1.4. In August, Japanese troops captured Kokoda

1.5. They continued down south and they were only 48km from Port Moresby

1.6. The Japanese were stopped by an Australian force, and slowly pushed back to Kokoda

1.7. Once in Kokoda the fighting conditions were unlike any they’d been through

1.8. The ‘jungle’ conditions were tough on both sides

1.9. It was always hot and

1.10. raining

2. Australian Troops

2.1. It was highly important to have Kokoda, as there was a vital air station in the region

2.2. Troops came back from the middle- east and were re- trained

2.3. Therefore the job was left to the ‘militia’

2.4. Militia are the army made up from civilians who were mostly conscripted

2.5. The militia were often

2.6. criticised by the AIF for not

2.7. volunteering

2.8. They were nicknamed ‘chocos’

2.9. Soldiers carried all of their own supplies through some very tough conditions

2.10. supplies up

2.11. Supplies were running out

2.12. for both sides

3. Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels

3.1. Natives who helped Australian soldiers

3.2. It was in November when the Australians captured Kokoda and killed around 600 Japanese in battle

3.3. After this the battle became slightly easier

3.4. The Japanese were pushed back to the North Coast, and the Australians got the airfield working again

3.5. There were 11 000 Japanese soldiers waiting on the north coast for the Aussie troops, however because the airfield was now working, the airforce aided in attacking the Japanese