Use of Alcohol

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Use of Alcohol af Mind Map: Use of Alcohol

1. Why is Alcahol legal?

1.1. Who does it benefit?

1.1.1. Source 6: "Are there any?"

1.2. Who is Recieving monetary gains?

1.3. Where does Government play a factor?

1.4. "If Alchahol is legal, as dangerous as it is" then surely Marijuana will follow"

1.4.1. Source 7: "Safer"

2. What are the specifics?

2.1. Increased Physical Abuse

2.1.1. Spousel Abuse

2.1.2. Children Victimized Source 5: Kathy Spatz PHD

2.2. Increased Sexual abuse

2.3. DUI

2.4. Abuse

2.5. Violence

2.6. Release of Sexual Reservations

2.7. Failed Body Function

2.7.1. Erectile Disfunction Source 2: "Why boozing is bad for you sex life"

2.7.2. Liver Failure Source 3: "effects"

2.7.3. Accelerated Aging process

2.7.4. Memory Loss Source 4: "Improving Memory

2.7.5. Accelerated Aging process

2.8. Heart Disease

2.8.1. Source 1. heartsr us

3. Who is hurt the most?

3.1. Families

3.1.1. Source 8: "how its related"

3.2. Employers

3.3. Students

3.3.1. Source 9: "High Risk Drinking

3.4. Friends

3.5. Relationships

4. How it in presented in media and culture?

4.1. Portrayed as a "cool" thing to do

4.1.1. Source 11: "Alchahol portrayel and television"

4.2. Harder drinks advertised as exotic

4.3. Beers advertised in relation to sports, hard work and relaxing

4.4. Wines not advertised often but as abused as the others

4.5. How does television correlate?

4.5.1. Source 10: "Alchahol in the media"