patterns of thought

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patterns of thought af Mind Map: patterns of thought

1. family

1.1. Darren

1.2. Adrie

1.2.1. Is she happier?

1.3. Samantha

1.3.1. Transfer money?

1.4. Nathan

1.4.1. "F" on assignment?

1.5. Leah

1.5.1. Last Christmas gift

1.6. Dog

1.6.1. Is he sick?

2. Finals

2.1. IPT

2.1.1. Three Projects, "Final?"

2.2. English 378

2.2.1. Novelinks and Final

2.3. English 377

2.3.1. Portfolio and Defense

2.4. English 379

2.4.1. Teacher Work Sample

3. Student Teaching

3.1. How to get enough sleep?

3.2. What to read?

3.3. How much time?

3.4. "Taming of the Shrew" unit plan

4. Christmas

4.1. No cards this year

4.2. What cookies to make?

4.3. Will I get everything done?

5. Random Stuff

5.1. Window?

5.2. Siding?

5.3. Laundry