Concealed Carry

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Concealed Carry af Mind Map: Concealed Carry

1. Session Rule 2

2. More criminals are killed by citizens defending themselves than by law enforcement. Some of this would undoubtedly transfer over to "criminal safe havens" such as college campuses if the utopian anti-gun laws were change

2.1. Guns are used some two million times a year to stop violent crimes in the general population

3. Plan

3.1. Goals

3.1.1. Goal 1

3.1.2. Goal 2

3.2. Rules

3.2.1. Session Rule 1

3.3. Capture Ideas

3.4. Prioritize Ideas

3.5. Define Action Points

3.6. Define Problems

4. saves lives

5. Avoiding Disaster

5.1. Idea 1

5.1.1. Sub Idea 1

5.1.2. Sub Idea 2

5.2. Idea 2

5.3. Idea 4

5.3.1. Idea 3