Irony creates comedy

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Irony creates comedy af Mind Map: Irony creates comedy

1. It's also ironic when the husband changed his mind on going out for dinner even though when he didnt go out he could of saved his life.

1.1. Whenever the police start to eat the lamb chop is it dramatic irony because they do not know they are eating the murder weapon.

2. "that why it ought to be easy to find." (386) Thats ironic because it wont be easy to find because they ended up eatting the object they were trying to find.

3. when she goes to the store and someone asked about her husband she said she getting food for him thats situational irony

4. "Is he dead? she cried." (383) This is ironic because she is the one that had killed her husband and she is acting like it is a suprise.

5. "Probably right under our very noses." (386) The irony is that the police can't find a murder weapon that is literally right under their noses, and also that the police, the guys who are supposed to catch criminals, are actually getting rid of the evidence for the murderer by eating it.

6. its situational irony that she used a lamb leg as a weapon when its not a common weapon.