Sean Heagerty

A map of my lifetime...

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Sean Heagerty af Mind Map: Sean Heagerty

1. Middle Childhood

1.1. Towards the end of elementary school, I had one or two growth spurts. I was also relatively high energy. Though I wasn't overly interested in sports, my parents pushed me towards them for both socializing and exercising.

1.2. I was very creative and loved to draw. However, due to focusing issues, I had great difficulty in school.

1.3. During middle childhood, I started to become more social. I had many 'friends', though the word was still a loose one compared to now. I was also getting better at thinking with other perspectives.

2. Preschool Years

2.1. I had little coordination during these years, as is not uncommon for children this age, which left me wearing sweat pants and slip on shoes for a long time.

2.2. When I was little, I needed several of years of pre-schooling in part because of a terrible speech impediment that made many letters, such as p's and m's, very hard to pronounce.

2.3. I had difficulty focusing, which made social cues harder to for me read. My mother kept pushing me to slow down and think, and to try to think about what other people might be thinking or feeling.

3. Newborn

3.1. I don't know anything about what I was like when I was first born, but I can assume that I grew rather quickly, as newborns often do.

3.2. As a newborn, I do not think that I had yet developed much of a personality yet. I wasn't told much about how I behaved when I was that young.

4. Adolescence

4.1. Puberty was annoying and awkward... it took it's time, but my voice changed, I had a couple of growth spurts, and I began eating us out of house and home.

4.2. In middle school, I actually jumped ahead a year in math from everybody else. I started to take more interest in my grades. I got better at thinking logically. I had low self-esteem which continued to help hold me back, and it wasn't until later in high school that one of my friends helped me by boosting my confidence.

4.3. Around the start of middle school, I started meeting new people, one of whom taught me the hard way about manipulation. After what I can only describe as a collapse of structure from my friend group, I began to struggle with fitting into the new group. I couldn't find much of a role for myself and struggled until early high school when I started to feel more like I belonged.

5. Early Adulthood

5.1. I am not growing as much anymore.

5.2. Much more able to use other perspectives, I tend to think a little idealistically. I find that I have been growing more and more social as I place more value in friendships.

6. Midldle Adulthood

6.1. I hope that these years will see me with a spouse and possibly children. I hope to give to my family the kind of life that my parents helped give to me. I also hope to feel secure and valuable in whichever profession I might end up in. I also hope I do not end up feeling the need to buy a red motorcycle around my 50th birthday.

7. Late Adulthood

7.1. I hope to enter my retirement after a long, proud, productive life. Right now, I like the sound of being a grandparent... I hope to watch my children grow up happy and doing what they want to with their lives.

8. Death & Dying

8.1. I hope that when the time comes, I die quietly surrounded by friends and family. Maybe in my sleep, but at the very least in peace. I know it sounds stereotypical, but I think it sounds nice.