How did Canada treat minorities and immigrants in the 1900s when compared to now?

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How did Canada treat minorities and immigrants in the 1900s when compared to now? af Mind Map: How did Canada treat minorities and immigrants in the 1900s when compared to now?

1. Most of Canada wanted to be an English country

1.1. english ideals

1.2. english beliefs

1.3. asians and africans had a head tax when trying to immigrate due to being the non-preferred immigrants

1.4. British subjects and north-western Europeans were preferred

2. Chinese were used to build the Canadian Pacific Railway

2.1. paid low

2.2. harsh living conditions

2.3. most dangerous jobs

2.4. succumbed to scurvy due to lack of funds to buy fresh fruit and vegetables

3. Sikhs were discriminated against

3.1. lies were told about them

3.2. viewed as invaders

3.3. mayor of vancouver sent a letter to ottawa to stop them from immigrating

3.4. media portrayed them as disease ridden people