The teaching of listening

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The teaching of listening af Mind Map: The teaching of listening

1. Listening as acquisition

1.1. We use the intake (take from input) to develop language skill.

1.1.1. Strategies for listening as acquisition Noticing activities such as complete a cloze version of text, identify differences between what they hear and a printed version of the text. Restructuring activities such as Role plays in which students are required to use key language from the texts.

2. Listening as comprehension

2.1. It is to facilitate understanding of spoken discourse.

2.1.1. Bottom-up (focus for words) Use input from the message to understand it. We analyze the input such as the sound, words, clauses, sentences, text to understand the meaning. Exercise to develop bottom-up listening skill

2.1.2. Top-down (focus for meaning) Use background knowledge to understand the message. We process the meaning by previous knowledge about the topic of discourse, situational or context. Exercise to develop top-down listening skill