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Mi Mapa Mental af Mind Map: Mi Mapa Mental

1. Steps for writing a program

1.1. STEP 1: The computer scientist makes a list of step-by-step instructions for what she wants her program to do.

1.2. STEP 2: The computer scientist translates her instructions into a language (code) the computer can understand. Now the algorithm is a program.

2. Data

2.1. Raw, unorganized facts.

3. Analysis

3.1. Organizing, describing, and understanding data/

4. Network

4.1. They share information, and may also share resources like a printer.

5. Internet

5.1. Is the worldwide network that connects millions of computers.

6. Computer

6.1. Is a device that stores and processes (changes, moves, or rewrites) information.

7. Computer Scientist

7.1. Writing a program that calculates the answers to the math problems in your homework.

8. What is computer science and what is not

8.1. Playing your favorite video game.

9. Computing System

9.1. Are the machines that run programs and process information.

10. Algorithms and programming

10.1. Involve writing the programs (code) that tell computers what to do.