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公道自在人心 af Mind Map: 公道自在人心

1. How Web 2.0 is shaping the world

1.1. Web Meets World: Participatory Culture and Sustainable Living [081125

1.2. Tim O'Reilly Talks Web 2.0 [FORA.tv 090402

2. The Unexpected Power, and Danger, of Twitter

2.1. The Twitter Global Mind [Rocketboom 090309

2.2. Is Twitter Revolutionizing the Web? - Tim O'Reilly [FORA.tv 090402

2.3. Why is Twitter Called a Threat to Google? [Googletechtalks 090501

2.4. Unexpected Dangers of Twitter - Nicole Wong [FORA.tv 090528

3. Go to Blog【智在理堆】: about me, comments . . . .

4. Hamas Shifts From Rockets to Public Relations [NYTimes 090723