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Cyberbullying af Mind Map: Cyberbullying

1. Why

1.1. Someone doesn't like you

1.2. Jealousy

1.3. They just want to be mean

1.4. Revenge

1.5. Bullied before so they take out on you

2. How

2.1. Saying bad things

2.2. Gossip

2.3. Lies

2.4. Trash talk

2.5. Making fun of you

2.6. Laughing at you

3. Feeling when cyberbullied

3.1. Sad

3.2. Depressed

3.3. Mad

3.4. Scared

3.5. Terrified

3.6. Embarrassed

4. Reactions

4.1. Revenge

4.2. Tell adult

4.3. Try to handle themselves

4.4. Ignore