WEB 2.0

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WEB 2.0 af Mind Map: WEB 2.0

1. Convergence

1.1. Movility

1.1.1. UMTS

1.2. Video

1.2.1. IM

1.3. Audio

1.3.1. Videocasting

2. Remixability

2.1. DataDriven

2.1.1. Modularity

2.2. RSS

2.2.1. Atom

2.3. OpenAPIs

2.3.1. OpenID

3. Stardardization

3.1. Microformats

3.1.1. Sindycation

3.2. Web standards

3.2.1. SVG

4. Usability

4.1. Joy of use

4.1.1. widgets

5. Participacion

5.1. Social softwere

5.1.1. collaboration

5.2. Blogs

5.2.1. Pagerank

5.3. Folksonomy

5.3.1. aggregators

5.4. recommendation

5.4.1. podcasting

6. Desing

6.1. Css

6.1.1. affiliation Ajax simplicity browser Trust

6.1.2. Pay per click

7. Economy

7.1. The long tail

7.1.1. XML